nb-iot spec analysis finished, based on 3gpp r13(vd50), including36.211, 36.213, 36.331 and 36.212.
currently working on UI design.
(1) Host LTE part: including the legacy LTE resource grid with tdd-specific parameters grayed out to utilize the source code w/o modification.
(2) nb common part: mainly focus on inband deployment for now,sa/guardband should be easier to implement.
(3) nb ul part: basic idea is to implement two scenarios to illustrate timing of ul/dl scheduling(such as for ul, npdcch(dci0)-> npusch format 1 ->npdcch(dci0) -> etc...; and for dl,npdcch(dci1) -> npdsch ->npusch format 2 ->npdcch(dci1)-> etc...), and the time-frequency grid of each nb channels/signals.