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发表于 2010-11-26 13:42:25 |显示全部楼层
Mobility and Key Management in SAE/LTE
Anand R. Prasad1, Julien Laganier1, Alf Zugenmaier1, Mortaza S. Bargh2,
Bob Hulsebosch2, Henk Eertink2, Geert Heijenk3, and Jeroen Idserda3
1 DoCoMo Communications Labs Europe GmbH, Germany
2 Telematica Instituut, The Netherlands
3 Twente University, The Netherlands
Summary. Often in wireless communications the cryptographic algorithm is considered
as ‘the security solution’ but actually it is only the nucleus. The means for
using the cryptographic algorithm is the ‘key’ used by the algorithm. Thus management
of keys and security there-of is an important issue. The security of the key
management solution should not impede mobility of devices by adding undue delays.
Thus, secure and fast key management during mobility is an important issue for
the third generation partnership project (3GPP) activity on system architecture
evolution/long-term evolution (SAE/LTE). In this paper we review mobility and
security issues with the focus of key management in SAE/LTE and present possible
existing solutions together with their analysis.
1 Introduction
At times, it is said that security is the holy grail of any communications system.
True or false, practice shows that solutions developed without security
in mind from the beginning leads to solutions that have severe issues in due
course. To avoid such situations it was necessary that the third generation
partnership project (3GPP) activity on their system architecture evolution
and long term evolution (SAE/LTE) includes security from the very beginning.
The first step for SAE/LTE activity was taken in 2004 and it is expected
that the specifications will be available around September 2007. Details of
3GPP time-plan and specification can be found in [1].
The SAE part of the 3GPP activity focuses on the core network (CN) of a
mobile network and the LTE part focuses on the radio access network (RAN).
SAE assumes the core network will be migrated to IP as the basis communication
protocol. SAE allows integration of radio access networks based on
different radio access technologies into the network, e.g., UMTS, LTE, wireless
LAN and WiMAX. LTE specifies a radio access technology (RAT) that
is aimed at peak data-rates of 100 Mbps downlink and 50 Mbps uplink. The
goal of both SAE and LTE is also to decrease the overall complexity and cost
for both operators and end-users. The security goal of the SAE/LTE activity
166 A.R. Prasad et al.
was to provide security that is at least of the level of UMTS today. Of course,
the security measures should not impede mobility support that is the essence
of a mobile operator’s business.
Looking at the security aspect, of the three common security goals confidentiality,
integrity and availability, the first two are achieved using cryptography,
which in turn requires keys to function. Key management includes key
establishment and key distribution besides key generation and key management
policies. The usage of the system defines the requirements for the keys.
An insecure key management solution can lead to leakage of keys that can
cause attack on the system or network. In such a situation the strength of the
cryptographic algorithm is irrelevant.
It is of utmost importance that the mobile network is able to provide fast
handovers such that there is no impact on perceived service quality by the
user. These handovers need to consider security too. It should not happen
that a mobile user hooks up to a rogue base station or there is hijack of the
session by an intruder. This means that mobility related security requirements
should be fulfilled, which includes re-keying when the user moves. Re-keying
is also part of the key management and should fulfil the related requirements.
In this paper we will first discuss LTE and SAE development by 3GPP
and their goals in Sects. 2 and 3 respectively. Possible mobility and key management
related solutions are discussed in Sects. 4 and 5 with an analysis and
comparison of the solutions in Sect. 6 leading to the conclusions in Sect. 7.
2 Long Term Evolution
LTE or the Evolved UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA) and Evolved
UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access Network (E-UTRAN) aims at developing
standards that will ensure competitiveness of 3GPP in long-term (10 years or
more) [5]. There are several scenarios for LTE deployment, but at a high-level
one could expect two scenarios [2]. The first one is the standalone deployment
and the second scenario is integration and handover with UTRAN and/or
GERAN. Further it is expected [1] that in LTE there will be support for (1)
shared networks during mobility and initial access, (2) various cell sizes and
planned or ad-hoc deployments, and (3) efficient mobility with an intra-LTE
handover interruption time of 30 ms. An overview of LTE is given in this
section [2–4].
2.1 Requirements
Some of the major requirements for LTE are given in Table 1 [2, 10].
Although the concern of cost for operators is addressed in the requirements
there is no mention about security. Further the requirements set for handover
with legacy solution does not allow seamless perception of service [6].
13 Mobility and Key Management 167
Table 1. LTE major requirements
1 Bandwidth (MHz) Scaleable bandwidths of 1.25, 2.5, 5, 10, 15, 20
2 Data rate (Mbps) Peak of 100 Mbps for downlink (5 bps/Hz
50 Mbps for uplink (2.5 bps/Hz) at 20MHz, with
2 Rx antennas and 1Tx antenna at the terminal
3 Latency (ms) C-plane 100 ms for camped to active state and
50 ms between active and dormant state. Transit
time between IP layers of UE and RAN less than
4 Capacity (users per cell) C-plane 200 users per cell in active state for 5MHz
and at least 400 users for higher spectrum allocation
Much higher for dormant and camped state
5 Throughput Compared to Rel 6 average user throughput per
MHz: downlink 3–4 times and uplink is 2–3 times
6 Mobility Optimized for 0–15 kmph. High performance
for 15–120 kmph. Support upto 350 kmph or
500 kmph
Rel 6 voice and real-time CS services provided
over PS in LTE with interruption time less than
or equal to CS domain handovers in GERAN
7 QoS End-to-end QoS shall be supported
VoIP with at least as good radio and backhaul efficiency
and latency as voice traffic over the UMTS
2.2 Physical Layer Parameters
Details of current work on physical layer can be found in [7]. In brief, the
downlink (DL) part of LTE uses orthogonal frequency division multiplexing
OFDM in which the data is multiplexed onto a number of subcarriers. This
number scales with bandwidth. There is frequency selective scheduling in DL
(i.e. OFDMA) and adaptive modulation and coding (up to 64-QAM). In the
uplink SC-FDMA (Single Carrier-Frequency Division Multiple Access) is used
with fast Fourier transform-based transmission scheme like OFDM. The total
bandwidth is divided into a small number of frequency blocks to be assigned
to the UEs (e.g., 15 blocks for a 5MHz bandwidth). Multiple antenna are
used (two at eNodeB and two receive antennas at UE) for beam-forming and
multiple input–multiple output (MIMO).
2.3 Architecture
The LTE architecture interconnects the network side termination points of
the wireless link (called eNodeBs, eNBs) with each other, the interface for
this is called X2 interface [2]. The eNBs are also connected by means of the
168 A.R. Prasad et al.
Fig. 1. LTE architecture
S1 interface to the core network called Evolved Packet Core (EPC). This
EPC includes Mobility Management Entities (MME) and User Plane Entities
(UPE) together also known as access gateway (aGW). The LTE architecture
is illustrated in Fig. 1. The LTE architecture differentiates between user plane
U-plane (carrying the user’s applications generated traffic, e.g., voice, mail,
web, etc.) and control plane C-plane (carrying the terminal’s signalling protocols
traffic, e.g., paging, call set-up, etc.). The U-plane and C-plane protocol
stack are shown in Fig. 2.
The eNB hosts the radio resource management unit that includes radio
bearer control, radio admission control, connection mobility control, and dynamic
resource allocation (scheduling) functions. The S1-C (control plane)
interface supports, among others, intra- and inter-system mobility of UE; and
the S1-U (user plane) interface supports the tunneling of end user packets
between the eNB and the UPE as a means to minimize packet losses due to
e.g. mobility. The X2–C interface supports UE mobility between eNBs. The
X2–U interface supports the tunneling of end user packets between the eNBs
as a means to minimize packet losses due to e.g., mobility.
There are several handover scenarios for LTE, dependent on the state of
the mobile device, C-plane or U-plane handover, and whether the MME/UPE
is involved. In terms of security the RAN and security group specifications [8,9]
discuss the termination point that is naturally dependent on the end-point of
a given protocol. The Non Access Stratum (NAS) signalling requires confidentiality
and integrity protection. U-plane must be confidentiality protected
(between UE and eNB), but it is still under study whether or not its integrity
shall be protected. For Access Stratum (AS) signalling, MAC security and requirement
for confidentiality protection of RRC signalling is yet to be studied,
while RRC signalling integrity protection is required.
13 Mobility and Key Management 169
(a) C-Plane protocol stack
(b) U-Plane protocol stack
Fig. 2. C-plane and U-plane protocol stacks
3 System Architecture Evolution
System architecture evolution SAE focuses on enhancing the capability of
the 3GPP system’s core network to cope with the rapid growth in IP data
traffic. This 3GPP system enhancement includes reduced latency, higher user
data rates, improved system capacity and coverage, and reduced overall cost
for the operator. IP based 3GPP services will be provided through various
access technologies together with mechanisms to support seamless mobility
between heterogeneous access networks. In this section the current work of
3GPP regarding SAE are presented from [10–14].
3.1 Requirements
The main objectives to address are [14]:
1. The architectural developments should take into account the LTE targets
for the evolution of the radio-interface. It should address efficient support
of services especially from the PS domain (e.g. VoIP).
2. Overall architecture impacts from support of different RAN/RATs and
access selection based on combinations of operator policies, user preferences
and RAN conditions; improving the basic system performance e.g.
170 A.R. Prasad et al.
communication delay; maintaining the negotiated QoS across the whole
system; etc. [12].
3. Overall architecture aspects of supporting mobility between heterogeneous
RANs (including service continuity in PS domain); how to maintain and
support the same capabilities of access control (authentication, authorization);
and privacy and charging between different RATs.
4. Migration aspects should be taken into account for the above, i.e. how to
migrate from the existing architecture.
3.2 Architecture
It was decided in 3GPP to proceed with two specifications; one that utilizes
the existing protocol (i.e., GPRS transport protocol GTP [10]), and the other
that is based on IETF solutions [11]. SAE also sets a few high level architectural
principles in [4, 15] A few principles regarding security and mobility
are: subscriber security procedures in SAE/LTE shall assure at least the same
level of UMTS security; access to network should be possible using Release 99
UMTS subscriber identity module USIM; authentication framework should be
independent of the RAT; mobility management should not degrade security.
The architecture for non-roaming case is given in Fig. 3. Due to lack of
space only a brief explanation of network elements and interfaces is given in
this section: The MME provides NAS signalling and its security, inter CN node
Non-3GPP IP Access
or 3GPP Access
Operator’s IP
(e.g. IMS, PSS
* Untrusted non-3GPP access requires ePDG in the data
Fig. 3. Non-roaming architecture for SAE
13 Mobility and Key Management 171
signalling for mobility between 3GPP access networks, etc. The Serving GW
is the gateway which terminates the interface towards E-UTRAN. For each
UE, at a given point of time, there is a single Serving GW with the function
of Local Mobility Anchor point for inter-eNB handover, mobility anchoring
for inter-3GPP mobility, lawful Interception, packet routing and forwarding.
The PDN GW functions include policy enforcement, per-user packet filtering,
charging support, lawful interception and UE IP address allocation.
There are several different mobility management concepts in SAE which
are dependent not only on the access technology and network layer protocols
but also on the state of the UE. Other mobility issues that SAE has to
cater for are inter-RAT mobility, dependence of paging/tracking area, context
information availability, power saving, etc.
4 Mobility Solutions
There are several network layer mobility protocols that could be utilized in
SAE/LTE to support mobility within LTE and to/from other RANs. We now
know that 3GPP has made a choice of protocols. Anyhow in this section we
present the different choices that were possible together with their differences
and similarities. In later section we give an analysis.
In traditional IP networks, the IP address of a node is usually bound to
its topological location within the network to permit route aggregation. For
a mobile node, that means that moving and changing its location implies
that it changes its IP address. In the traditional TCP/IP communications
paradigm, IP addresses of a node were expected to remain stable. It was thus
possible to: (a) reach an IP node knowing only its IP address, (b) bind upper
layer communications (e.g. TCP conations) to IP addresses of communication
endpoints. With the advent of mobile nodes, this change of IP address role
has thus the following implications:
1. It is no longer possible to reach a mobile node knowing only its IP address
since it changes when the mobile node moves.
2. Upper layer communications will break with movement of one of the
communication endpoint since they are bound to IP addresses that will
Because of that, network layer mobility protocols have been designed to
restore the two basic properties that were broken by apparition of mobile
nodes. In addition, these protocols might, depending on their architecture
and mechanisms, offer additional mobility-related functionalities such as:
• Route optimisation between a mobile node and its correspondent nodes.
• Reduction of communication disruption latency upon movement via proactive
configuration of care-of address before movement, buffering of
packet received at old access router (AR) and tunnelling to new AR,
and/or local anchoring.
172 A.R. Prasad et al.
• Reduction of packet loss upon movement via pro-active configuration of
care-of address before movement, buffering of packet received at old access
router (AR) and tunnelling to new AR, and/or local anchoring.
Additionally, these protocols may also offer functionalities which are not
directly related to mobility such as:
• Network layer multi-homing: Ability to switch between different providerassigned
subnet prefixes to cope with ISP failures. Such prefixes might be
assigned on a single interface, or each prefix to a different interface.
• Network layer security: Ability to protect integrity and confidentiality of
With the focus on IPv6 the protocols given below were considered in this
paper for which a comparison is given in Table 2.
• Mobile IP version 6 (MIPv6)
• Fast Handover for Mobile IP version 6 (FMIPv6)
• Hierarchical Mobile IP version 6 (HMIPv6)
• Network-based Localized Mobility (NETLMM)
• IKEv2 Mobility and Multi-homing Protocol (MOBIKE)
• Host Identity Protocol (HIP)
5 Key Management Solutions
Authentication process is one of the major latency sources that prevents seamless
handovers. This latency is mainly due to the signalling overhead that is
needed to authenticate a user and for making the association with the new Access
Point (AP) secure. Both aspects involve proper key management. Therefore,
solutions for fast authentication are dearly needed in order to realize
seamless handovers and thereby to improve the user’s experience. These solutions
boil down to effective and efficient key management schemes that are
suitable for intra- and inter-domain handovers as well as for horizontal and
vertical handovers.
The Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) [16] is a generic framework
for network access authentication. The EAP framework allows an authenticator
to authenticate a peer (and possibly mutual authentication) and
establishes between them two keys, the Master Session Key (MSK) and the
Extended MSK (EMSK), which are used to secure communications of EAP
lower layers. At the moment only the MSK is used by different lower layers
and protocols. The most common usage is in the IEEE 802.11i lower layer to
derive the Transient Session Key (TSK) to provide access link security. For
instance in 802.11i the first 512 bits of the MSK are used for TSK derivation,
802.11r uses the second 256 bits to derive Pair-wise MKs (PMKs-R1)
for fast BSS transition, and 802.16 uses the first 320 bits. The Internet Key
13 Mobility and Key Management 173
Table 2. Differences in the mobility protocols
+ +
Scope of mobility Global, local Global, local Local Local Local Global, local Global
Location of
rendezvous point
On routing
path to home
On routing
path to home
On routing
path to regional
On routing
path to regional
path to
On routing
path to IPsec
inner address
Trust model SA with
SA with
SA with
SA with
SA with
SA with
SA with
point and
Route optimization Yes Yes No No No No Required
Reduction of
disruption latency
and packet loss
Yes if local
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes if local
Rendezvous point Home agent (HA) Mobility anchor point (MAP) Localized
server (RVS)
Routing update Binding update (BU) Local binding update (LBU) Routing
Update SA
Locator update
174 A.R. Prasad et al.
Exchange protocol (IKEv2) has an authentication mode where one of the IKE
peer is authenticated via EAP, thus making use of the MSK as well. IKEv2,
however, uses it for entity authentication purposes. This disparate usage of
the MSK makes it less suitable for a root key of a key hierarchy that supports
fast re-authentication for seamless handovers. For this reason, the IETF
HOKEY working group tries to define an EMSK-based key hierarchy for authenticated
seamless handovers [17]. Since the EMSK has never been used in
any specifications it can be specified in such manner that it is acceptable to
all lower layers. A Usage Specific Root Key (USRK) can be derived from the
EMSK and used for efficient re-authentication within the EAP framework.
In HOKEY terminology this key is called re-authentication Root Key (rRK).
The rRK on its turn is used to derive the re-authentication Integrity Key (rIK)
and a re-authentication MSKs (rMSK) that is specific to each authenticator
that the MN associates with. The rIK is used to prove being a party to the
full EAP method-based authentication and is used in a proof of possession
exchange between the MN and the AAA-server. Finally, the rMSK is used for
deriving the TSK after each re-authentication phase (see Fig. 4).
One of the most important features of the HOKEY key hierarchy is that it
doesn’t require the MN to interact with the home domain for authentication
purposes when roaming within a foreign domain.
Since HOKEY is still work in progress, a number of issues with its usage
in 3GPP SAE/LTE haven’t been addressed yet. One of them is related to
dealing with the heterogeneity of the authentication mechanisms. Different
network technologies use different authentication mechanisms. For instance,
UMTS networks use the UMTS-AKA authentication mechanism, and EAPAKA
is used in WLANs. Though UMTS AKA and EAP-AKA are almost
identical, they differ by the transport method of the AKA protocol: PMM
rRKOther R…Ks
Long Term Credential
802.11r HOKEY
rRK … Other RKs
rMSK1 …
1 n TSK1 … TSKn
Fig. 4. Proposed HOKEY EMSK hierarchy for re-authentication, presented during
IETF 66 meeting July 2006
13 Mobility and Key Management 175
protocol in case of UMTS and EAP protocol in case of WLAN, The former
doesn’t have a fast re-authentication function, while EAP-AKA [18] does offer
such functionality, which makes it better suitable to be used in the EAP-ER
framework [19].
Another issue to be solved is the choice of a proper key distribution mechanism.
The rMSK must be delivered to the new authenticator following reauthentication.
Options for key delivery are either based on a pull or a push
model. The push model does not allow randomness contribution by the peer,
is not supported by RADIUS, does not scale well, results in keys on target
authenticators that the peer may never roam to, target authenticators must
store keys, key names, associated nonces, lifetimes, and other attributes for
many peers unnecessarily, peer needs to be involved in a re-authentication
protocol anyway to receive nonces or other attributes. So there is not much
value in the push model. Therefore a peer-initiated, on-demand pull model
makes more sense.
For the inter-domain case, key delivery is not straightforward. How does
the AAA server know the AP in the foreign domain? How to setup a secure
communication channel with the foreign domain? Do the foreign APs communicate
with the home rMSK server directly or via their own rMSK server?
IETF PANA [20] is an network access authentication protocol transported
over IP, and as such independent of the underlying technology. It
authenticates peers with the EAP protocol, and as such is both an EAP
transport and an EAP lower layer, like IEEE 802.1x. The Media Independent
Pre-Authentication (MPA) approach [21] tries to define a solution
for pre-authentication that support both inter-domain and inter-technology
handovers. MPA is a mobile-assisted higher-layer authentication, authorization
and handover scheme that is performed prior to establishing link layer
connectivity to a network where the MN may move in near future. In MPA,
the notion of 802.11i pre-authentication is extended to work at higher layer,
with additional mechanisms to securely perform early acquisition of an IPaddress
from the new network as well as pro-active handover to this network
while the MN is still attached to the current network. MPA provides a secure
and seamless mobility optimization that works for inter-domain heterogeneous
6 Analysis
To evaluate the existing solution we consider a number of principles that serve
as guidelines in this paper to evaluate handover solutions. These guiding principles
can be related to the architecture, performance and security aspects of
the solutions. The architectural guidelines considered are reusability (i.e., to
be able to use the solution again to add new functionality with minimum
modifications) and modularity (i.e., the solution is composed of components
with well defined functionality and interfaces). Requiring a handover solution
176 A.R. Prasad et al.
to be fast, we consider the following performance guiding principles for such
a solution: support of different air interface technologies (as mobile devices
are equipped with multiple network interfaces nowadays), compatibility of local
and global mobility solutions (as mobile devices are going to cross over
administrative domain boundaries frequently), and support of multiple air
interfaces being active simultaneously (when possible and appropriate). The
latter requires the solutions to be energy effective. The security related guidelines
include binding L2, L3 and higher layers to the user as identified by its
For our analysis we consider three categories of protocols or (partial) solutions
and evaluate them based on our guiding principles mentioned. These
solution categories are: mobility/handover solutions, authentication methods,
and authentication transport protocols. Mobility or handover management
related solutions that we consider are: MIPv6, HMIPv6, FMIPv6, MOBIKE,
NetLMM, MPA, IEEE802.21, IEEE802.16/e and IEEE802.11. For authentication
methods we investigate UMTS-AKA, EAP-AKA, EAP-TLS, 802.11i, and
EAP-ER. Finally, we consider EAP and combined PANA and IPsec as authentication
transport protocols for our analysis. Figure 5 presents a summary
Fig. 5. Comparison of (partial) solutions for supporting mobility in SAE/LTE
13 Mobility and Key Management 177
of our analysis. One should note that key establishment/distribution aspects
that are provisioned in for example IEEE802.11i, IEEE802.11r, IEEE802.16,
EAP-ER, HOKEY, IKE and AKA) are already included in one or more categories
identified above. A close investigation of the results of Fig. 5 reveals that
a complete system architecture is missing to deliver secure and fast handover
management. Such architecture must provide integrated security management
to deal with threats in all handover phases.
7 Conclusions and Future Work
In this paper we have presented an overview of SAE/LTE and IP layer mobility
protocols and key management solutions that can be used for SAE/LTE.
Based on analysis that utilizes principles coming from SAE/LTE requirements
we come to the conclusion that EAP-ER using AKA is the authentication and
key agreement solution that should be utilized for SAE/LTE. The study also
shows that NetLMM and MIP are the mobility solutions that can be used.
The results to some extent are in contradiction to what is currently accepted
in 3GPP.
From network layer protocol perspective 3GPP is focusing on NetLMM
and MIP but also has accepted GTP. Obviously the acceptance of GTP is
due to the fact that existing solutions can be reused. As for key agreement
3GPP has a working assumption of UMTS-AKA. This working assumption
certainly works fine for fast mobility between UMTS and LTE but it does not
cater for future where there will be integration of other RANs.
This work still leaves us with the need to study the integration of mobility
protocol and key management solution in the SAE/LTE architecture. This
integration should be done while considering the security and mobility aspects.
Another point to study is the key hierarchy required for SAE/LTE. This can
easily be concluded by looking at the end-point of different protocols (MAC,
RRC, NAS and U-plane) and the confidentiality/integrity requirement. Once
all is done a study on remaining threats and performance is also required.


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