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亚星游戏官网-yaxin222  上士

发表于 2009-4-23 16:14:22 |显示全部楼层
原词汇出自3GPP TS21.905,本人结合相关资料和自己的理解翻译的,有些地方添加了注释。欢迎大虾批评指正,我会即时更新,先行感谢! 如果能给初学者带来帮助,荣幸之至。(按字母顺序不定期更新,词汇部分完了之后再说明缩略语。)


1.8Vtechnology Smart Card: A Smart Card operating at1.8V ± 10% and 3V ± 10%.
---1.8V智能卡: 一种运行在1.8V ± 10% 3V ± 10% 电压环境下的智能卡.
1.8Vtechnology Terminal: A terminal operating the SmartCard - Terminal interface at 1.8V ± 10% and 3V ± 10%.
---1.8V终端: 一种使用1.8V智能卡的终端. [注:终端一般指用户设备,如手机、PDA]

3GPP Generic User Profile (GUP): The 3GPP Generic User Profile isthe collection of user related data which affects the way in which anindividual user experiences services and which may be accessed in astandardised manner.

3GPP system: thetelecommunication system standardised by the 3GPP consisting of a core networkand a radio access network that may be either GERAN or UTRAN, or both.

3GPP System core network: refers in this specification to an evolvedGSM core network infrastructure.

3GPP System coverage: see coverage area.

3GPP System IC Card: An IC card(or 'smartcard') of defined electromechanical specification which contains atleast one USIM.
---3G IC:一种符合电气规范的IC卡(或者智能卡),至少包含USIM卡功能。[注:3G手机当中用的是USIM卡,2G手机用的是SIM]

3GPP System mobiletermination: part ofthe 3GPP System Mobile Station which provides functions specific to themanagement of the radio interface (Um).

3GPP-WLAN Interworking: Used togenerically refer to interworking between the 3GPP system and the WLAN familyof standards.

3V technology SmartCard: A Smart Card operating at 3V± 10% and 5V ± 10%.
---3V技术智能卡:一种工作在3V± 10% 5V ± 10%电压环境下的智能卡.

3Vtechnology Terminal: A terminal operating the SmartCard - Terminal interface at 3V-± 10% and 5V ± 10%.

[ 本帖最后由 zil_ye 于 2009-5-5 18:33 编辑 ]
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