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离问题结束还有0天0小时  |  提问者:你的小p孩   |  提问时间:2013-4-20 08:25
如题 爱立信6601射频拉远 出现2A:41告警,什么故障.
SO CF I2A:41 - Lost Communication to TRU
Related RUs SO CF RU:3 - Y Link Page 41
SO CF RU:0 - DXU, DUG 10, DUG 20, MU or IXU
Page 41
Description The DUG has no contact with one or more TRXs
marked as expected in the IDB.
Action Follow the instructions below until the fault is resolved.
For RUS/RRUS-based configurations:
• Reset the DUG.
• Replace the DUG.
For RUG-based configurations:
• Check that the defined RUG in the IDB corresponds
to the RUG in the RBS. Otherwise modify the IDB.
• Check that the Y link cable between the DUG
and the RUGs is correctly connected and in good
• Reset the RUG not communicating correctly with
the DUG.
• Reset the DUG.
• Replace the RUG not communicating correctly
with the DUG.
• Replace the DUG.

回答时间:2013-4-21 19:35
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