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离问题结束还有0天0小时  |  提问者:难得糊涂110   |  提问时间:2012-5-25 05:17
路测中层3信令中出现disconnect之后就出现dropped call或Block call 是什么原因? MS1 Disconnect MS Tick: 1315961 Time: 10:10:35.28 Transaction identifier : 8 Protocol discriminator : (3) Call control; call related SS messages Message type : 37 Cause Coding standard : (3) Standard defined for the GSM PLMNS Location : (2) public network serving the local user cause value : (27) Destination out of order Message dump (Hex): 83 25 02 E2 9B MS1 Time: 10:10:35.28 Dropped Call Drop type: Abnormal network CC Cause:Destination out of order Call duration: 24516 ms
回答时间:2012-5-30 16:16
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