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提问者:910670   |  提问时间:2012-2-6 17:39
板上各位前輩大家好,小弟在研讀LTE時有些許問題未能想明白,希翼尋求各前輩幫助 根據自身研讀對bearer的理解,當UE有data要發送時,有相同QoS的data flow都會被分配到同一個bearer中,感覺上QoS是由UE決定的。但是在36.300-13.1中有提到所有的QoS參數都是由EPC去指派的,這樣當UE有資料要發送時要怎麼樣將data去指派到特定的bearer裡呢?? 希翼各位前輩可以幫我解答,小弟在此謝過了
please refer to 3GPP 23.401
5.4.5 UE requested bearer resource modification

for the mapping relationship between service data flow and QCI/bearer, it should/might be defined by upper layer(e.g. application layer) in the UE.

But in most cases, dedicate bearer establishment is triggered by network. It is described in 3GPP 23.401
5.4 Session Management, QoS and interaction with PCC functionality
回答时间:2012-2-7 13:30
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