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HSUPA中的服务小区和非服务小区的区别  (进入论坛模式)
离问题结束还有0天0小时  |  提问者:jingsuxuyi   |  提问时间:2013-9-23 14:53
问题答案 ( 1 条 )
Serving E-DCH cell: Cell from which the UE receives Absolute Grants from the Node-B scheduler. A UE has one
Serving E-DCH cell.
Serving E-DCH RLS or Serving RLS: Set of cells which contains at least the Serving E-DCH cell and from which the
UE can receive and combine one Relative Grant. The UE has only one Serving E-DCH RLS.
Non-serving E-DCH RL or Non-serving RL: Cell which belongs to the E-DCH active set but does not belong to the
Serving E-DCH RLS and from which the UE can receive one Relative Grant. The UE can have zero, one or several
Non-serving E-DCH RL(s).
 |  回应该答案 (0)  |  回答者:tzwei   |  2013-9-23 16:34
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